peluang bisnis

PELUANG BISNIS | Pengen punya penghasilan tambahan RATUSAN RIBU RUPIAH Per Hari? Ini Cara GAMPANGNYA… Blog ini tentang: Peluang Bisnis, Memulai Bisnis, Bisnis Online, Cara Bisnis Online, Peluang Bisnis Online, Memulai Bisnis Online, Bisnis Internet, Cara Bisnis Internet, Peluang Bisnis Internet, Memulai Bisnis Internet, Bisnis Sampingan, Cara Bisnis Sampingan, Peluang Bisnis Sampingan, Memulai Bisnis Sampingan, Bisnis Modal Kecil, Cara Bisnis Modal Kecil, Peluang Bisnis Modal Kecil, Memulai Bisnis Modal Kecil, Bisnis Rumahan, Cara Bisnis Rumahan 5000/5000 8740 karakter melebihi batas 5000 maksimum: g Commission) but be careful about Swiss based brokers! At least, these regulated brokers, by complying with the regulations, file their regulatory standing on a regular basis and you can track them on the regulators' websites. +Frauds and Scams: Up to date, the forex market is not centralized like the stock, futures and options markets in which all selling and buying are done through central exchanges. For this very reason, there is plenty of room for frauds and scams to occur in the forex market. Like any other traditional businesses, frauds and scams do occur regardless of individuals or institutions involved, level and credibility. Who would be in doubt that Bernard Madoff, once the chairman of reputable NASDAQ exchange in U.S, was one of the biggest fraudsters on the individual as well as institution basis in our history. Other cases including Worldcom, Enron, so on, are examples of high profiled institutions, not mentioning many other smaller cases. An individual or a company putting up a nice front office and a website with many eye-catching stuff and claims, investing in infrastructure like trading and back-office processing softwares, does not mean 'being cleared off' from the potential frauds and scams. Frauds and scams occur in many forms and shapes, ranging from dishonest practices in mixing your fund with their firm's one, executing your orders at your disadvantage, re-quotes, 'legally' trading against their clients, back office manipulation; to larger scales like 'stealing' millions or even billions of dollars from investors or traders' funds. By saying that, it does not mean to be scared off or to stay away from the forex market. Rather we understand them and take necessary steps to minimize them. Frauds and scams are always there in any market, not just the forex market. In the sections that follow describe key factors that you may need to consider when selecting your forex broker. +Safety of Your Funds: Being a successful forex trader is a long-term journey and a life-time achievement for most traders. On average, it takes 5 to 10 years to realize significant rewards for such a worthy pursuit. In this game, it's simply that 'no capital no game'. So protection of your trading capitals should be of the highest priority. Do not let another 'Bernard Madoff' steal your money! Below are some recommended criteria for you to seriously consider before opening a live account with a forex brokerage firm. -Is Your Forex Broker Adequately Regulated? Since the forex market is not strictly regulated, unlike the stock, futures and options markets, only select brokerage firms registered with at least one of a well established regulatory bodies listed below. This will help you minimize the risks associated with the unregulated market. These risks may include firm bankruptcy, frauds and scams as mentioned above. Up to date, there are five 'trustworthy' regulatory bodies for the forex market in the major financial centers in the world. They are: NFA (National Futures Association, website:-) in the United States of America. CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission, website:-) in the United States of America. FSA (Financial Services Authority) in the United Kingdom. ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission, website: -) in Australia. SFBC (Swiss Federal Banking Commission, website:-) in Switzerland. Be careful for brokers only registered with the Swiss authorities! Switzerland is well-known for its reputation as one of the world's major financial centers, especially in banking. The problem is that some people have been exploiting its lax financial market regulations for frauds and scams. You can check if a broker is registered with one of the regulatory bodies above by their ID or name. If yes, then you would see their registration information, name of principles, history of complaints against the firm, so on. Regarding complaints, there is a subtle discretion that needs to be viewed in balance. Firms with larger number of clients are more likely to have more complaints. So other factors like the firm' capitalization and client base need also to take into consideration. -Capitalization Of A Forex Brokerage Firm: When a brokerage firm is registered with a regulatory body, that firm must meet a minimum requirement of capitalization required by that regulatory body. At this time of writing, the minimum capitalization requirements from different regulatory bodies are: NFA: 5,000,000 USD CFTC: 1,000,000 USD FSA: (Will be updated later) ASIC: (Will be updated later) SFBC: (Will be updated later) The above capitalization requirements at least minimizes some 'bucket shops' out there with an eye-catching website to prey on their clients. However, it does not mean your trading capital is surely protected. -Is Your Trading Capital Put In An Account Segregated From Broker Firm's Fund? Only select forex brokers who put your trading capital in a segregated account from the firm funds. The segregated client account is usually with a bank under the brokerage firm name, in which all client funds are pooled together, or individual client name depending size of your trading capital and negotiation with the broker. The first protection of having such a segregated account is to prevent the brokerage firm from putting their hand in the fund for the firm's investments or any financial obligations. In U.S., NFA and CFTC rules do not accommodate such fund segregation. The second protection is that when a brokerage firm goes bankrupt. In U.K., according to FSA, client funds are protected from the firm's secured creditors or liquidators, so you will most likely get back your fund. In Switzerland, according to SFBC, your fund is treated as unsecured creditor, so you are the last on the list to receive refund if any left! +Fund Deposits And Withdrawals: I found that most forex broker websites just focus on methods of deposits and withdrawals offered by them but there is a serious lack of clear description of hidden fees born by their clients for each method. Now let's look at hidden fees associated with each method of deposit or withdrawal that some brokers out there have deliberately hid from their clients or for whatever reasons. -Credit Card: The beauty of deposit from or withdrawal to credit card is that you can do it online hence saving lots of your time. Also transaction is completed in the shortest timeframe. Fund appearing on your trading account is usually within 24 hours since transaction; or max. 5 business days for withdrawal. The drawback is that credit card companies limits the max. amount of transaction at one time, typically 2000 USD; and max. amount within a calendar month, typically 10,000 USD. So if you like to transact 5,000 USD you have to do it three times: 2000 USD, 2000 USD and 1000 USD. When you deposit your fund into your trading account with a forex broker, the credit card company charges you a percentage for service, usually ranging from 2% - 5%. For example, if you deposit 1000 USD the credit card company will charge you 20 USD - 50 USD for service, hence you will see only 980 USD - 950 USD appearing on your trading account. Similarly, when you withdraw your fund from the trading account into your credit card, you will be charged a similar percentage for service. One way to avoid this charge is to have an ATM bank account linked with your credit card. The deposit will go into this ATM card instead of the credit card. One notion that you may need to pay attention is that the exchange rate at the time of deposit or withdrawal is determined by your bank. This exchange rate may affect overall loss / profitability to your trading business. -Wiring Transfer: Wiring transfer is probably the most popular method for deposit or withdrawal. Today wiring transfer can be done online hence saving lots of your time. Most banks charge you a fixed rate, typically 25 USD - 40 USD depending on domestic or international transaction, regardless of the transacted amount. -Check: Some forex brokers accept deposits by check. It typically takes 5 business days to clear the check. Also there is fee associated with check transaction and ask your bank for this fee charge. -Other Methods: PayPal, Webmoney, Moneybookers, PerfectMoney, e-bullion, Neteller, AlertPay, Liberty Reserve, so on, are other online deposit/withdrawal methods offered by forex brokers today. They are usually safer than credit card transaction. However, there also are fees associated with transactions from these payment service providers, so you have to dig deeper into these fees before applying for these online money services. Article Source: Ketika Anda masih muda, apakah Anda pernah bermimpi memiliki bisnis rumah sendiri? Apakah Anda tergesa-gesa di suatu tempat di sepanjang jalan dan sekarang mendapati diri Anda terjebak dalam kebiasaan 40-40-40? 40-40-40 Rencanakan (Rut) 40 menit pergi ke dan dari tempat kerja 40 jam kerja per minggu 40 tahun hidup dihabiskan bekerja untuk orang lain? Ketika segala sesuatunya menjadi tidak semestinya dalam pekerjaan, apakah Anda masih memimpikan bisnis rumah Anda sendiri - apa yang akan Anda lakukan, bagaimana Anda menjalankan bisnis rumah Anda sendiri, bagaimana Anda memperlakukan karyawan Anda, uang apa yang akan Anda hasilkan, produk apa yang Anda Akan menjual? Kemudian ketika Anda memutuskan untuk melakukan perubahan dalam hidup Anda, apakah Anda mencari pekerjaan 40-40-40 lagi, mewujudkan impian bisnis rumah Anda sendiri di belakang kompor lagi untuk hal yang lebih sama? Apakah Anda tahu hasil akhir dari rencana 40-40-40? 1% cukup kaya untuk pensiun dengan nyaman 3% hampir tidak mampu bertahan 27% sudah meninggal 69% sudah mati bangkrut Apakah Anda ingin berada di posisi teratas 1% yang bersedia melakukan sesuatu tentang hal itu sekarang, sebelum terlambat? Sebagai mantan Manajer Sumber Daya Manusia, saya mengenal statistik ini dengan sangat baik, dan saya memutuskan untuk melakukan tindakan pencegahan. Karena Anda masih membaca artikel ini, saya akan berasumsi bahwa Anda sedang mencari perubahan, terlebih lagi, sebuah perubahan secepat mungkin. Jadi, izinkan saya membagikan beberapa kebijaksanaan yang telah saya dapatkan dari mencari peluang bisnis rumahan. Dua focal point utama saat mencari peluang bisnis rumahan adalah yang akan: · Optimalkan usaha dan waktu anda · Menghasilkan imbalan finansial yang optimal Berikut adalah tujuh kriteria sederhana untuk dipertimbangkan saat mencari peluang bisnis rumahan: 1. Carilah peluang bisnis yang menawarkan produk atau layanan yang, atau akan, digunakan setiap hari oleh setiap rumah tangga dan / atau bisnis ... Pikirkan tentang produk atau layanan di rumah Anda yang mungkin setiap orang di seluruh dunia gunakan setiap hari. Misalnya, layanan seperti utilitas, komunikasi, peralatan, dll., Atau produk seperti sepatu, pakaian, sabun, dll. Sekarang pikirkan lebih besar - produk atau layanan yang digunakan setiap hari DAN itu akan mewakili pergeseran paradigma. Misalnya, pergeseran paradigma diciptakan dalam komunikasi global ketika Alexander Graham Bell menemukan telepon. Sebelum 1885, tidak ada yang menelepon, mereka juga tidak pernah mendengar kata "telepon". Saat ini, berapa banyak orang yang Anda kenal yang tidak memiliki telepon atau ponsel? Pergeseran paradigma lain diciptakan saat penerbangan pertama dibuat oleh Wright Brothers pada tahun 1903. Saat ini, manusia telah berdiri di bulan. Buatlah diri Anda daftar produk atau layanan di rumah Anda yang dapat Anda teliti untuk dipertimbangkan untuk peluang bisnis. 2. Cari peluang bisnis rumahan yang menawarkan produk atau layanan yang memiliki pasar global ... Ini adalah dunia kecil. Akal sehat biasa akan memberi tahu Anda bahwa peluang bisnis rumahan dengan produk atau layanan yang memiliki pasar global akan menghasilkan pendapatan dengan kecepatan warp jika dibandingkan dengan yang ada di wilayah lokal, regional, atau nasional. Misalnya, pendapatan yang dihasilkan dari Microsoft dengan pasar global adalah tahun cahaya lebih besar daripada bengkel reparasi lokal. Selain itu, saat Anda meneliti peluang bisnis rumahan global ini, Anda akan ingin memastikan bahwa Anda tidak diharuskan untuk membukukan produk. Ini memakan waktu untuk memesan produk, menerima dan mengirimkan produk, mengelola backlog, dll, belum lagi biaya tambahan dari kantong Anda untuk pengiriman dan pengiriman. Anda juga menemukan perubahan produk atau upgrade yang membuat stok Anda usang. Jadi, hindari jenis peluang bisnis rumahan seperti wabah. 3. mutlak harus! Temukan peluang bisnis rumahan yang menggabungkan leverage dalam rencana pembayarannya ... Peluang bisnis yang menggabungkan leverage dalam rencana pembayarannya memberikan yang terbaik dari kedua dunia. Leverage merupakan konsep yang relatif sederhana. Contoh terbaiknya adalah Ray Kroc dan McDonald's. Ray Kroc mendirikan waralaba untuk McDonald's yang setuju untuk membayar 3% dari keuntungan mereka. Intinya, McDonald's duduk kembali dan mengumpulkan 3% keuntungan yang dihasilkan dari orang lain yang mengerahkan waktu dan usaha mereka. Katakanlah, hanya untuk tujuan diskusi, bahwa Ray Kroc menjual 100 waralaba dan masing-masing menghasilkan keuntungan sebesar $ 50.000 tahun itu. 3% akan menghasilkan $ 150.000 untuk Ray Kroc, namun dia secara pribadi tidak memberikan usaha atau waktu sendiri. Apa yang dia lakukan meski brilian, karena dia memanfaatkan leverage dengan menjual waralaba, dan menjadi orang yang cukup kaya. Memanfaatkan bisnis rumah Anda akan meminimalkan waktu dan tenaga Anda sambil memaksimalkan keuntungan finansial Anda. Dalam waktu yang relatif singkat, bisnis rumah Anda akan berjalan sendiri, dan Anda akan berada di jalur cepat menuju kekayaan yang sehat.memulai bisnis bisnis online